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Abstract Blue Light

Module 1 Webinars

At the Quantum Keys of Consciousness ® webinars, personal Quantum Keys of Consciousness are unlocked. Everyone has their own unique, Blueprint-determined sound-Harmonics Keys, which then create crystalline -plasmatic templates on the physical, emotional, mental and etheric levels, and construct anchors for the vibrational-energetic embodiment of our Super Consciousness on the physical level. In other words, sound-vibrational organic bodies are created, which expand through the physical body, through all aspects of us as a human Being.

About Module 1

The method I developed with the assistance of my guiding Team of Metatron, Elohim and Lyrans significantly facilitates the process of transmutation, brings us clear insights about this great ascension process we are experiencing and brings a sense of lightness and joy into surrendering to the wave of change.


Within the Quantum Keys of Consciousness ® method are activations of communication with the Universal Crystalline and Plasmatic Grids.

With the activations of crystalline plasmatic bodies, which are the quantum architecture by which the quantum DNA is activated and the New Luminous Human is created, new quantum connections are created at the atomic, cellular level and awaken in us intuitive communication with the Quantum Consciousness as well as with the Cosmic Cellular Intelligence.



This allows the physical body to easily surrender to the process and remain balanced in it


The activations of the Crystalline Plasmatic bodies returns us to the perfect Divine Blueprint. It reminds us that we are Beings of Love and Beauty created to create with joy and pleasure!

What will you learn?

At the Seminar, we will learn how to use the Plasmatic Grid System and this amazing Plasmatic Field in order to bring the physical, emotional, mental and all other energetical-light bodies into a state of balance and equilibrium.


When Plasma flow is activated on the physical level, the vibration of the entire organism, cells, organic systems, dormant quantum DNA and all other light and energy systems is raised.

Plasma works holographically, and is not limited by time and space, past and future- it works here and now.



Module 1 is the basic seminar, where you get your first plasmatic body activated. It’s preparing your humanness for the next wave of Ascension and beyond.

Disintegrating Sphere

What can you experience:

- strengthening your awareness of your own Universal Essence, of your Quantum Consciousness and Universal Intelligence


- activating the on-line link of communication with our Quantum Self


- anchoring and grounding with Mother Gaia and Life on a fully conscious level. This gives you crystal clear awareness that you are part of her, her consciousness, her energy grid systems, which gives you a new sense of trust in Life and a sense of Belonging


- raising awareness, releasing and removing old limitations (programs)


- activating your healing abilities that become automatic-self-balancing over time


- finding your dominant vibration in the systems changes so you begin to radiate outward inner peace, love, compassion, joy of life


- becoming able to detect imbalances in our physical systems and communicate with our body, understand its messages at the cellular and energetic level


- developing the ability to raise the vibration of the body, cells, individual organs and take responsibility for our wellbeing


- activating your talents and abilities from Akashic records of your knowledge and skills from other incarnations



Module 1 will be held on

November 16/17 2024

via the Zoom platform

If you feel an inner call to participate in this webinar, please contact me for more information

Thank you! We will get back to you soon!

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