In one of my daily meditations in 2011, I experienced the presence of Metatron, Master Serapis Bey and the Group of Light Beings from Andromeda Galaxy. They told me that we have an agreement and they asked me if I was ready for something new, because it was time.
I didn’t have any idea what the NEW was, I just felt a big YES in my heart, I wanted it and I allowed it.
I received the first activations of the New Keys of Consciousness and new plasmatic configurations through my physical body. I could visually follow the process and observe the new structures, which were completely new organic configurations. At that time, I had no idea that I would be guided and assisted through the process of evolution not only by Metatron, but also by many Star Groups and Light beings, Pleiadians, Lyrans, Andormedians, Councile of Eloheim, Adama from Telos and many others.
I just knew that it is the path of my evolution, which I began to live and study consciously through my daily routine. My study continues through my own human experience of updating new templates, upgrading my skills and abilities, through transmutations on all levels.
I share all my experiences and teachings further, admiring the Prime Creator, the layers and layers of the Divine Human Blueprint and Life itself.
My Team presented to me the activations of many geometric structures within the Mer Ka Ra system, which are the Divine Plasmatic Crystalline architecture as multidimensional plasmatic bodies.
The activation of each of these bodies enables deeper and deeper awareness of our Divine Blueprint and also of our galactic and multiversal truth.
Mer Ka RA is one of the many Universal Light-Life Systems, what we on Earth call Light Bodies. It is an upgraded MerKaBa with 144 star-points, many new layers and crystalline geometric subsystems.
Its spherical architecture is multidimensional, created and given for this planetary system as the 12 and more dimensional plasmatic sphere for the anchoring the Higher Self components. Its configurations are plasmatic, crystalline and soundlike and have the attributes of embodied Ascended Master Presence.
Mer Ka Ra is an organic structure which is supporting and elevator-like for the ascension process, activating our cellular and atomic receiving systems to anchor more and more of our multidimensional DNA and quantum consciousness. Trough this structure, we are embodying new Master Design for the Galactic Human Presence.
The activations of the Mer Ka Ra SYSTEM are simple and have several phases of activations, Modules, where the basic organic configurations are activated, which is configured to support ascension, the new evolution and enable exceptional ease, exploration, understanding and navigation through the new energies coming to our planet. During this process you are also gaining tools to work with crystalline and plasma grid systems.
We started to give the first activations in 2018, when Metatron told me that the time had come and that people were ready for the new energetics.
Since then my joy has no end, because I have the honor, together with my Team, to bring and share a new perspective and beauty, which is our contribution to personal, planetary and galactic growth, evolution and beyond that.
Mer Ka Ra Activations are given as Modules with activations and teachings in two-day seminars and are available for groups in three languages: English, German and Croatian.
The Plasma field is the communicating consciousness, it is the living embodied consciousness of the Quantum Field. The liquid light, that - through its vibrations - harmonizes and regenerates our physical, emotional, mental and other bodies and connects us with our quantum consciousness.
We become strongly connected with the Plasmatic Grids and energies and consciously use it for self balancing and also for balancing others.
We can indeed use plasmatic qualities for self balance very easily, actually, plasmatic consciousness is giving us the expansion of receiving and this is how we are cared for by our own Higher Selves.
Some of the benefits
- raises awareness, releases and removes old limitations (programs)
- we become able to detect imbalances in our physical systems and communicate with our body, understand its messages at the cellular and energy level
- we develop the ability to raise the vibration of the body, cells, individual organs and take responsibility for our health
- our dominant vibration in the systems changes and we begin to radiate, to broadcast more of inner peace, love, compassion, joy of life - in this way we give others a signal and encourage them to raise their vibration
- harmonizes with all grids of Mother Gaia
- harmonizes with all grids of Universe and Multiverse
- develops our greater consciousness and awareness of energies, vibrations and intuitive awareness of communication with our physical body, our cells, with the universal innate intelligence of the body
- activates our healing abilities that become automatic-self-balancing over time
- strengthens the innate abilities of body regeneration, through Piezoelectric Effect
- our talents and abilities from Akasha recordings can be easily activated and used
- Our abilities to manifest are accelerated
- develops our telepathy and other natural skills
heal our past, future and present
- our quantum DNA and her potentials are much more activated and anchored in the cellular and molecular body structures.
- harmonizes, balances and brings the brain into his quantum state and helps in the development of new neural structures, reorganizes the vibrational patterns (embryonic networks) of all our body organs.
- brings expansion of our receiving capacity
- activates the online link of communication- antennas with the Quantum Self
- anchoring and grounding us with multidimensional consciousness of Mother Gaia and Life on a fully conscious level and gives a crystal clear awareness that we are part of her, her consciousness, her energy networks, which gives us a new sense of trust in Life and a sense of Belonging
If you are interested in attending and/or organizing a special MerKaRa seminar for you and your friends, please contact us via the contact form below. The seminars can be held in English, German and Croatian. MerKaRa modules are given as activations and teachings.
The MerKaRa technology is separate from the Module 1 seminars and it is not required to have them both, you can work on each of these modules separately with my help and the support of my guides.